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作者:admin 日期:2018-10-24 12:34:22 人气:123


环氧地坪厂家总结出以下几条施工时的注意事项,以供客户了解和参照:1. 客户买材料自行施工时,在施工前最好小面积试样,符合要求后再大面积施工;如在施工过程中发现问题,可以及时与供应商沟通,请专业人员给出解决方案;

Epoxy floor manufacturers summed up the following construction points for customers to understand and reference: 1. Customers buy materials for self-construction, the best small area of samples before the construction, meet the requirements of large-scale construction; if problems are found in the construction process, you can communicate with the supplier in a timely manner, please give a professional explanation. Decision by decision; 

2. 在夏季施工,环氧地坪漆干得快,所以开封后按AB剂混合的环氧地坪漆最好在半小时内施工完,否则材料会固化;在冬季施工,温度低时可以在材料中加点促进剂,但不能过多。不过能不加尽量不要添加,因为地面会发脆;

2. In the summer construction, the floor paint dries fast, so it is better to finish the construction of the floor paint mixed with AB agent in half an hour after opening, otherwise the material will solidify; in the winter construction, when the temperature is low, you can add some accelerator in the material, but not too much. But do not add as much as possible, because the ground will be crisp. 

3. 因为环氧地坪漆配料中个别产品是易燃易爆危险品,所以施工作业时必须严禁烟火;

3. Because individual products in epoxy floor paint ingredients are inflammable and explosive dangerous goods, so the construction work must be strictly prohibited pyrotechnics; 

4. 因为环氧地坪漆在施工中,会有挥发性气体产生,所以施工场所要注意通风良好,避免因工人吸入有毒气体发生中毒;

4. Because floor paint in the construction, there will be volatile gases, so the construction site should pay attention to good ventilation, to avoid poisoning caused by workers inhaling toxic gases; 

5. 在无尘室和地下停车室施工时,需要做好相保护措施,如防护面罩,防毒面具,手套等;

5. In the construction of dust-free room and basement parking room, it is necessary to do well the phase protection measures, such as protective mask, gas mask, gloves, etc. 

6. 环氧地坪漆不得与水接触,无论是生产过程还是施工过程中,都不能有水。否则短时间内会出现地坪漆与水泥地面分离的情况,就是我们所说的起皮;

6. Epoxy floor paint should not be in contact with water, no matter in the production process or construction process, no water. Otherwise, there will be a separation between floor paint and cement floor in a short time. 

7. 在环氧地坪施工中,地面的灰尘需要彻底打磨清洁干净,否则会影响地坪漆对水泥地面的附着力效果;

7. In the construction of epoxy floor, the dust on the ground needs to be thoroughly polished and cleaned, otherwise it will affect the adhesion of floor paint to cement floor. 

8. 在施工时严格按照工序来施工,涂地坪漆时每一道工序开始时必须要等上一道工序完全挥发干燥后,才可以施工,否则会出现表层皮软,粘鞋子,起泡现象;

8. In the construction of strict accordance with the procedures to the construction, painting the floor paint when each process must be at the beginning of a process after completely volatile drying, can be constructed, otherwise there will be soft skin, stick shoes, blistering phenomenon; 

9. 喷涂环氧地坪漆时,发现有颗粒或其它杂物,应及时清除干净,不然会影响整体的表面效果;

9. When spraying epoxy floor paint, it is found that there are particles or other impurities, should be cleaned up in time, otherwise it will affect the overall surface effect. 

10. 在施工过程中难免会把地坪漆弄到墙面上或机器设备上,这需要及时消除掉,不然等它完全干掉后去掉很难;

10. In the course of construction, it is unavoidable to get the floor paint on the wall or on machinery and equipment, which needs to be eliminated in time, otherwise it is difficult to remove it after it has completely dried up. 

11. 在涂喷环氧面漆时,要注意施工速度,勿在一处停留时间过长,否则会影响表面美观性;

11. When spraying epoxy topcoat, pay attention to the speed of application, do not stay too long in one place, otherwise it will affect the surface aesthetics; 

12. 在施工时需要对墙角和垂直部位用美纹胶带贴边及标线;

12. in construction, we need to use the beautiful tapes on the corner and vertical parts. 

13. 施工时现场温度应在10度以上,如低于此温需要停止施工。如果客户需要赶工期,就需要在室内24h开空调或太阳灯来升温;否则低温施工会出现地面表层发粘、不干、发白现象;

13. the construction site temperature should be above 10 degrees. If it is lower than this temperature, it is necessary to stop construction. If customers need to rush to work, they need to turn on air conditioning or sunlight indoors 24 hours to heat up; otherwise, low-temperature construction will appear on the surface of the sticky, dry, whitening phenomenon; 

14. 施工完毕,地面需要清理干净。

14. after construction, the ground needs to be cleaned up. 
