作者:admin 日期:2018-10-24 12:37:57 人气:79
Most of the walls of modern buildings are made of cement concrete. Cement concrete can be divided into plain concrete and reinforced concrete. Plain cement concrete is composed of cement, sand, stone and water reinforced concrete is composed of cement, sand, stone and steel. Defects caused by porous coating on epoxy floor paint. Because of the porosity of cement concrete wall, excessive and rapid absorption of moisture in the wet coating, resulting in a sharp increase in the viscosity of wet coating, shorten the flow time of wet coating, lost the chance of leveling, eventually lead to brush marks and epoxy floor paint coating matting defects. 碱性引起的环氧地坪漆涂装缺陷。水泥混凝土墙体的碱性强,其强碱与湿涂膜中的某些不耐碱颜料发生反应,导致涂膜发花、变色等涂装缺陷的产生。
Alkaline coating defects on epoxy floor paint. The alkalinity of cement concrete wall is strong, and its strong alkali reacts with some non-alkali-resistant pigments in the wet coating film, which results in coating defects such as blooming and discoloration of the coating film.
Defects of epoxy floor paint caused by moisture content. When the water content of the cement concrete wall is too high, the coating is thin because the amount of the absorbed coating becomes less; on the other hand, the water of the wall dilutes the coating and reduces the viscosity and solid content of the coating, resulting in the appearance of coating defects such as sagging. When the water content of the cement concrete wall is too low, the wall absorbs too much water from the epoxy floor paint wet coating, which results in brush marks and gloss loss.
Penetration defects caused by epoxy floor paint. When floor paint is used in areas with abundant groundwater, the groundwater seepage pressure is too high, which causes water seepage in the basement or the cement floor of the first floor, lightly causes foaming of floor paint, and heavily causes the film falling off of epoxy floor paint.